
Posts Tagged ‘Android’

I Am No Coder

August 17, 2011 Leave a comment

I am glad I have friends that know how to write code. We are getting ready to start testing our very first Android App.

On my end I need to set up an account to publish the app, create the logos, get a website setup, and get the app installed on some of my friend’s phones to test. I am getting ready to install the SDK so I can do this. I thought it would be a simple one step process. Nope. There is a step-by-step guide. Show it should not be a problem.

Right now we are just rolling out a basic app and hope to build it as we get more ideas to include and learn more about developing these apps.

We are also hoping to have a version made for all the phone marketplaces to get it as available as possible.

Lets See How This App Development Thing Goes

July 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Well a few friends and I are going to try out this whole App Development thing. It should definitely be a learning experience and I am looking forward to it.

We have been talking about it for a while now but I finally came up with an idea, something simple so we learn the whole process. We are going to do the free developments first (Android, WP7, BB) and then move on to Apple.

Even if we do not make any money I just want to use this as a learning experience and to also see if this is something my friends and I can actually do.